Day: 24 September 2020

NHS Covid-19 App now in use at the Yorkshire Payments Stadium

All NPL clubs are now required by law to use the new NHS Covid-19 app.

New NHS QR posters – specific to each club – will be displayed to offer a quick, simple and secure way for supporters and visitors to register that they’ve been to the ground.

This will help NHS Test and Trace to identify and notify people who may have been exposed to the virus.

Players, spectators, coaches, match officials, staff / volunteers and all other visitors to the site aged 16 and above must provide their details.

The app is available on Android and iOS – details here:

Clubs must also retain a backup manual paper system, for those who do not have an appropriate smartphone to scan the code.

The NHS COVID-19 app has a feature that allows users to quickly and easily ‘check in’ to a venue by scanning the code. The information stays on the user’s phone. In England, you do not have to ask people who choose to ‘check in’ using the official NHS QR code to provide their contact details. If there is an outbreak associated with a venue, a message will be sent to the relevant app users with the necessary public health advice.

This will help to avoid the reintroduction of further lockdown measures.

In addition to maintaining and sharing records where requested and displaying an official NHS QR poster, everyone must also continue to follow other Government guidance to minimise the transmission of COVID-19. This includes maintaining a safe working environment and following social distancing guidelines.

Clubs have all been issued with an updated FAQ and COVID-19 guidance from the FA via the league.


We are happy to announce the signing of midfielder Jordan Deacey from Belper Town. Jordan joins the club ahead of Saturday’s away trip to Marske United.

“I’m delighted to join the club, I know John Francis from clubs I’ve been at previously and when he mentioned the gaffer was interested in signing me, it was a no-brainer for me. It’s a club that is on the up and I want to be a part of that. My target for the season is personally to contribute with goals and assists. I always try and get 10 goals and 10 assists a season so if I can do that, I’ll be happy. In terms of my ambitions clubwise, I want to get Brighouse into the league above and that’s what the hopes and ambitions are for everyone at the club so it seems like a good place to be right now.”

Welcome Jordan!

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